Smart fortwo review

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  • The guys from have conducted a recent test (2008-06) of the Smart fortwo passion:

    I will not repeat positive assessments here, but as a fan of this car, I am going to try to shed some other light on the negative points stated (all citations are numbered):

    ( 1 ) Cons: Herky-jerky automatic gearbox

    It is only herky-jerky if you accelerate full-throttle. The less you press the gas lever, the smoother it changes gears, up to the point where you can tell only from the engine noise that it happend.

    ( 2 ) Cons: seats only two

    This is where I get a little upset. When will you guys stop comparing a two-seater with a four-seater? Or a sedan with a truck? Or apples with bananas? The Smart "fortwo" is not a four-seater, it is not a cargo champion, it is not a long-range cruiser, it is not a racing car. It is designed, among other things, for low running costs, low environmental impact, easy parking, and simply having fun. And last, but not least, it is made for singles and couples who would have to buy over-dimensioned cars otherwise.

    There is currently no other car in the world that falls into this category (two-seater, shortest reasonable length) and that the Smart could be compared with. This is not good with respect to competition, but a fact.

    ( 3 ) Cons: gets buffeted on the highway by stiff crosswinds and big trucks

    True, but desired in my case. I like to have contact with driving physics in order to be aware of my speed in relation to environmental conditions. I prefer this to a top-notch BMW (which I cannot afford, but have driven once) where only the tachometer gives an indication that you just passed the 200 km/h marker.

    ( 4 ) automated clutch manual gearbox ... An annoying lag during upshifts makes it feel as if the Smart's catching its breath between gearchanges, and makes you feel like a bobble-head doll with your noggin pitching forward and then back with the first couple of upshifts.

    See ( 1 ).

    ( 5 ) you can at least smooth out the hiccups in the acceleration by lifting off the gas slightly before flicking the paddle or floor-mounted lever

    That is exactly the effect I described under ( 1 ), only you need not to do any kick-down stunts in the first place (Remember? It is no a racing car).

    ( 6 ) but when you consider what you're giving up in terms of passenger and cargo capacity

    Here it is again. See ( 2 ).

    ( 7 ) Smaller bumps and ruts are absorbed without drama, but larger impacts and freeway expansion joints ka-thump virtually unfiltered into the cabin.

    See ( 3 ).

    ( 8 ) we can't recommend this car for anything more than a very infrequent and/or emergency kiddie ride.

    Oops, you would risk the life of a kid if it happens infrequently? Just for the recommendation to put babys on the rear seats (with appropriate gear), I would not suggest anything like that at all.

    ( 9 ) It carries only two, cargo capacity is seriously limited and it's only available with that annoying lurch-o-matic gearbox.

    This is a summary of points discussed above.


    Nevertheless, I appreciate this review, if it only had not lost the focus occasionally.

    451 Smart Fortwo 1.0 coupé pure 45 kW / 61 PS, EZ 2008-07

  • Obviously some people still think in Cadillac-dimensions.
    Nevertheless, even those people once will learn to be happy being able to drive ANY kind of car.
    Also those people still did not realize, a Smart is a little, made for city-traffic car, not to drive from Washington to Frisco.
    That is, what Beamers are made for...

    Greets Crazy

    smart cabrio&passion re-powered by SmartProfi
    Wer Smarts nachmacht oder verfälscht oder nachgemachte oder verfälschte sich verschafft und in Verkehr bringt, ist ein CHINESE oder ein 42 II.Generation! :D

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Crazy ()